" Beau in defaut "


Hai Welcome Here

" black is my love "

We can chatting here

Saturday, 10 December 2011 | 00:47 | 0Comment

heyy y'all ! :D yeah, this holiday such a many times i spends its with facebooking, blogging only. D: huh, yes me with my family often goin' out but everytime when goin' out im felt moody. :( im don't know why. uhh, last hours ago me and my family goin' to boulevard at kuching :) just for window shopping then before back home eat first. :) at my fb ? errgghh, nothing special that i wanna share but my likers now has been goin' down man ;) yaa, i just can't control my feeling right now that wanna back to my hometown ;( i miss my friends, teachers, all about school ! right now im feel wanna shout, screan aloud but for what ? yes ! for loss all my bad feeling right now ! DD: moreover, two days didn't texting with anyone. uhh ? all my friends busy right now ? ohh, maybe. busy does preparation for christmas yoo ! yaayaa, talking about christmas wahh i can't wait that time maaaa~ :) at my aunty home right has done for to celebrate christmas day ! santa claus will coming to town :)) humm ! nvm lahh about christmas because right now im feel very sleepy. yea, midnight lorh.  :) good midnight !