" Beau in defaut "


Hai Welcome Here

" black is my love "

We can chatting here

Monday 29 August 2016 | 20:03 | 0Comment

Hello from little girl asasi in Unimas! Ya ya skrg sy kat Unimas, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Sekian lama tidak mencoret di blog sy ini, u guys missed out so many things :D Bukan apa, busy satu hal malass pun satu hal lagiii hehhe. Meh lah sini jenguk blog sy J Warm welcome for u all. Walaupun takda papa dsini. Haha. Habuk je bnyak.
            Skrg sy sedang sambung belajar di Unimas. Jurusan asasi sains fizikal. Bakal engineer? Sy sendiri pun tak tau lh. My future is a surprise bcs im never plan my life journey J Baru masuk bulan Jun yg lepas. Now im struggles hard for final exam this November, Semester 1 exam >,<
            Asasi sains fizikal more to subject physics. Yes physics. Sya masa sekolah menengah dulu, subjek fizik lh paling tak suka + lemah but now nahh physics my major subject here. AND I love physics more now haha. Dulu lebih prefer chemistry masa smk tapi skrg tak suka dah hhahah. Susah giler wehh. Bukan berniat nak pengaruh adik2 yg akan msuk asasi sains or what, but its up to yourself ;) To me mmg ssah and struggles nak gila blaja utk satu bab je kalau chemistry >.< malah phy lbih senang berbanding chemist to me now :D 
            Unimas di Kuching Sarawak. Asasi sains terletak di kampus timur unimas. Yup, unimas dibahagikan dua kampus, kampus barat & kampus timur. Kampus barat lebih bersifat kebaratan, lebih moden, bangunannya tinggi yeee. Kampus timur pula bersifat ketimuran, flora & fauna, kehijauan, nyaman mata memandang hehe. Bangunannya pula lebih kurg mcm chalet, takda 5 6 7 8 bpuluh tingkat yeee.
            For the first time kalau u guys berpeluang pegi kampus timur sini mmg u don’t know what words to describe. Hehe. Same goes to me. Bukan bermaksud kampus timur ni teruk persekitarannya okay, no, a big NO. Bagi sy, its different and I love smh different for sure ;) Keadaan persekitaran sungguh tenang,agak tradisional hehe. Like old fashioned style haah. Now ada bangunan yg sdg dibina, adalah 2 3 tingkat mybe bangunan tu. Dewan unimas pun sdg dibaikpulih skrg. Myb masa adik2 yg akan masuk ke sini nanti kampus timur akan lebih moden sbb ada bngunan baru.hehe.
            Asasi sains di unimas ada dua semester, sem 1 & 2. Tempoh blajar di sini tak smpai stahun okkkk. 10 bulan je dkira dgn lebih tepat. That’s why, here in asasi, the schedule so padat ho and always be hectic day every single day. Haha. Asasi sains di sini dibahagi kpd dua, asasi sains hayat & asasi sains fizikal. Hayat more to biology and bila degree nanti mereka more to medics, doctors and all that. Well I don’t love anything relate to medics. Haha. I hate biology too hahahha. Thank god tak dimasukkan ke asasi sains hayat.

            Actually banyak benda sy nak share tentang asasi sains di unimas but I have so many things to do now. Next time sy akan mencoret lagi lebih banyak psl asasi sains unimas. Everything that relate to here lah ya hehe. Kalau nak tnya apa2 relate to asasi sains in unimas can find me in facebook : Azylrhine Adyleine. See u guys soon ;)